Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Rao warned that the insolvency to pushing Pakistan on terrorism could alter the position in Afghanistan. "Without this, the gains prefabricated over the former ogdoad geezerhood gift be compromised and it instrument transmute rugged to forbid the improvement of status quo ante, to a position same to what prevailed antecedent to Sep 11, 2001," she said. Rao's warning on Pakistan comes amid reports that Pakistan was preparation to near as numerous as 60 given Taliban into Jammu and Kashmir to become start of the 'nisus' against India. In an catacorner book to Pakistan, Rao also warned roughly the perils of striking deals with terrorists. "The humanity has rise to harmonise, at significant toll, that coercion can't be compartmentalised, and any fluent attempts to protest Faustian bargains with terrorists ofttimes prove in much forces turning on the powers that sustained them in the past," she said.

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