Thursday, October 15, 2009


Maoists beheaded Jharkhand force inspector Francis Induwar, who was abducted by them a week ago. Naxalites abducted him, difficult the release of triad of their arrested body, including Kobad Ghandy, in commute for him. The Compounding government condemned the net and termed it unwelcome. Induwar's embody, along with the severed front, was saved in the earliest hours of Tues warm Raisha Ghati under the Namkom guard post country, some 12 km from here, Caretaker of Guard (Ranchi Arcadian), Hemant Toppo, said. Induwar, 37, who is survived by his wife and ternion sons, was kidnaped on Sept 30 from Hembrom Bazaar in Khunti dominion, some 70 km from here. He was employed in the information stage of the Utter constabulary. Maoists ulterior demanded the achievement of trey rebels - Ghandy, Chhatradhar Mahato and Bhushan Yadav - in replace for the mariner.

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