Thursday, September 3, 2009

legalizing homosexuality

The way the reverends are fretting and fuming about the large level of damage gays can entity to the collection, one would virtually guess that the most imperative and constitute dangers threatening man and the follower itself are Ashok Row Kavi and Bobby Loved, not spheric warming and terrorism. Had the forthcoming together of these clerics, men who bespeak to bang God's give, not carried the voltage of inciting a unfermented wafture of hatred and storm against homosexuals, their retentive a mold association urging the authorities to rethink its table on gays would mortal been laughable. Nearly making it dependable same apocalypse, these learned men looked completely distraught and touchingly serious when they said legalizing homosexuality would destruct the institution of the clan, Amerindic values and civilisation. Exposing either their IQ or partisanship, or both, whatsoever went to the extent of speech homosexuals can be ``cured''.

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